Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November News

Congratulations to Alexis and Jessica for passing their flashcards! Alexis came in last week and tested in under a minute. Jessica just passed her test today. Keep up the great work!

The December recital date is set. Students have been preparing for the upcoming recital and working hard. I hope to see all of you on December 6th, at 1:00!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am so pleased to announce several promotions this month! I am very proud of all my students and so excited that you are all working so hard! There are seven students who are getting promoted to the next grade in piano in October!

Congratulations to:
Emma Claire and Jessica, who are getting promoted to Level 2
Shaylea and Meredith, who are getting promoted to Level 4
Jonathan, Brooke and Matthew R, who are getting promoted to Level 5

Keep up the awesome work!

Friday, September 18, 2009

September Contest

For the month of September, all students are keeping track of how many minutes they practice. There are quite a few students working very hard to win the $5 each week! I am also giving away other prizes, as well.

Week 1 Winners:
Kevin - 415 minutes
Brian - 395
Emma Claire - 310
Megan - 270

Week 2 Winners:
Megan - 780
Kevin - 355
Maddie - 320
Brian - 315
Honorable Mentions: David, Haley, Matthew H, Matthew R
Keep up the great work!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pizza Party

I was very proud of my 13 students who made it to the pizza party. (David, Emma Claire, Kevin, Megan, Jonathan, Brian, Zeke, Ella, Shaylea, Abigail, Matthew, Hannah, Aaron) I hope you all had a great time! Congrats to David for getting the 1st-place prize. He came to his lesson a couple weeks ago with all 6 of his songs MEMORIZED! He was working very hard to win, as were a few other students! Emma Claire and Kevin came in at a very close 2nd Place!

For those students who are in level 2 or above, we have begun to work on duets for the annual Duet Night! I am looking at the beginning of October for the recital, but will let you know a final date soon.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I would like to welcome Jessica to my piano studio! She has been taking from another teacher who is shutting down her studio. Jessica already performed at my recital with only one lesson with me! Bravo.

There are several students who have already made their goal of 75 points! There are a few competing for the grand prize as well:) The following students made it: Megan, Jonathan, David, Matthew, Kevin, Emma Claire, Ella and Brian. There are still two more weeks remaining in which to earn points, so keep working!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Great Recital!

Great job at the recital! Each and every one of my students did their very best! For those that made minor errors, they kept going and the audience couldn't even tell! Congrats for a job well done :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009


There are many students who are working very hard in my summer contest! I have decided to give a prize to the student at the pizza party with the most accumulated points. (This way, students don't quit once they reach 75. LOL) So far, Emma Claire, Megan and Matthew R are out in the lead. I told the students to try for 9 points per week to reach the goal of 75 by the end of July. The students who have reached this goal so far are: Matthew R, David, Hannah, Jonathan, Ella, Zeke, Megan, Emma Claire, Haley, Maddie, Brian and Kevin. The others just need to do a little catch up if they want to come to the pizza/ice cream sundae party on July 31st. Good luck to all :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Congratulations Hannah and David

Hannah and David are off to a super practice start this summer! Hannah reached 52 songs on her learned list, thus putting herself on the "Learned List Hall of Fame." She is just about ready to be promoted to Level 2! David made it to 100 songs, earning himself a star beside his name. He was promoted to Level 3 this week. Way to go guys! Keep up the great practicing :)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Contest

I am passing out contest information to my students this week. Each student who reaches 75 points by the end of July will be invited to a pizza and ice cream sundae party! GOOD LUCK!

You may earn points for the following:
1. PRACTICE: Each day of 20+ minutes of practice = 1 point
2. PERFORMANCE: recital performance = 10 pts.
3. MEMORIZATION: 2 pts. per FULL page memorized
4. CONCERT: 5 points for attending a music recital/concert
5. CLASSICAL LISTENING: 30 min. listening = 3 pts. per week

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Well, after getting back your date conflicts, I have set the recital date for July 8th. The students have been working very hard and I am anxious to see them perform in July! I think you will enjoy songs such as Beauty and the Beast, The Pink Panther, God Be With You, Sonatinas, and many more!

Friday, May 22, 2009

New Contest Beginning in June

Students, Information will be sent home next week about a summer contest! You can try to earn enough points to come to a pizza party! Good luck.


Congratulations to Brooke, who just completed Level 3 books! She is off to a great start so far in Level 4!
Shaylea, congratulations on your accomplishment and making it into the Learned List Hall of Fame this week!
Way to go!!


Welcome to my new Piano Studio Blog! I hope to add information here on a regular basis to share accomplishments with my parents and students. I will also use this as a tool to remind you of upcoming events and dates! Enjoy reading and come back soon!